Who doesn't love spring?! warmer weather, flowers blooming, birds chirping, bright colors, and the best thing for us teachers is that spring break is just around the corner! In the spring time, I love teaching my students about plants and insects/bugs/butterflies. Let me tell you about 2 spring classroom ideas that I like to do with my kindergarten students!
My students learn all about the parts of a plant and what each part does. This is a cute flip book where they label the plant parts. You could also have your students write about each plant part too.
Who doesn't love learning about the life cycle of a butterfly especially when you can have real live butterflies at the end of the cycle! Students will love to make their observations daily and it is so fun to see these little caterpillars grow before your eyes! I like to make a butterfly journal that my students can write their daily or weekly observations in.
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am sharing a sample of my spring themed Short-a Word Work-No Prep! You can get it HERE
If you like what you see, you might like my short-a word work no prep pack!
You can check it out HERE
Thanks for stopping by! Hop along to these other amazing sellers and get some spring ideas and resources!